Ukrainians are returning to their homeland


Ukrainians are returning to their homeland

İsmail Çağlar , President of Antalya Chamber of Realtors, Auto Dealerships and Business Followers , made statements that real estate purchases have decreased in Antalya, which was flooded with Russian and Ukrainian citizens after 2022, when the Russia-Ukraine war started. Çağlar said, “After the war stabilized, some citizens returned to their countries. Antalya was a retirement city before the pandemic, but now the prices are very high. “Foreigners from the central part migrated to their hometowns,” he said.

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The economic crisis experienced all over the world also causes resident foreigners living in Antalya to migrate. Foreign investors’ real estate purchases, which were 22 thousand 17 units in 2022, decreased by 41 percent in 2023 and decreased to 12 thousand 901 units. While the migration to Antalya due to the effect of the Russia-Ukraine war and the pandemic caused an increase in real estate prices in the city, the trade between foreign citizens attracts the reaction of Turkish tradesmen.

İsmail Çağlar, President of Antalya Chamber of Realtors, Auto Dealerships and Business Followers, stated that Antalya has always received immigration due to its climate and geographical structure, but due to the effect of the pandemic and war, the number of immigration has tripled or quadrupled.

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Çağlar said, “Russian and Ukrainian citizens came to Turkey and bought both residences and many houses. After the war stabilized, some citizens returned to their countries. Antalya was a retirement city before the pandemic, but now the prices are very high. All prices, including food and beverages, have increased exorbitantly. However, foreigners in the middle part migrated to their hometowns. Approximately 350-400 thousand houses have been sold to foreigners in Antalya in the last 10 years. There is a requirement for foreigners not to sell for 3 years after buying a house, and after 3 years they sell it at exorbitant prices to people of the same race. So to speak, they all became illegal real estate agents. As foreign exchange comes in, we thought that house prices in Antalya were between 1-3 million, but houses started to be sold for 3 million. “It goes up to 15-20 million,” he said.

Russian and Ukrainians are returning to their homeland

President İsmail Çağlar requested an inspection of the trade carried out by foreign citizens. Çağlar continued his words as follows: “The condition of not selling the house they bought for 3 years can be increased to 10 years. He buys a house and becomes a citizen after 3 years. Residence may be given instead of citizenship.

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Our real estate agent is entitled to a 2 percent commission, while foreigners’ real estate agents receive a tax-free 15 percent commission. They have established a WhatsApp group of three thousand people among themselves, and they are engaged in many businesses such as buying and selling houses and cars, renting and renting cars. These works have no tax to our state. They buy and sell internally, they bought 5-6 houses. They rent these houses at exorbitant prices. They need to be inspected quickly. While they quickly transfer out the foreign currency they earn from us, real estate agents in Antalya cannot do business.”

Source: BuyukAlanya

Foreigners who find Alanya expensive are RUNING AWAY

The housing sector in Alanya has been experiencing a major crisis recently. One of the most important reasons for this is that resident foreigners leave the region.

Foreigners who find Alanya expensive are RUNING AWAY

Factors such as the increase in the cost of living, new residence laws for foreigners and the daily rental law have forced many foreigners living in Alanya to migrate to other regions. Real Estate Consultant Durmuş Özgen states that housing sales to foreigners have stopped completely for the last few months. Özgen says that the most important reasons why foreigners leave Alanya are the obligation to obtain a residence fee of 200 thousand dollars and the increasing cost of living.

Source: BuyukAlanya


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