Rent Increases and New Regulations in Antalya

Rent Increases and New Regulations in Antalya

Antalya Realtors and Business Followers Auto Gallery Tradesmen Chamber President İsmail Çağlar informed citizens about the rent increases. Çağlar made important statements about the rent increases and new regulations.

25 Rent Increase Restrictions End:

The 25 rent increase limitation that started on June 11, 2022 ended on July 1, 2024. 25 increases were valid including July 1, CPI will be applied as of July 2.

News Continues / Detailed Information

Increase as per CPI Rate:

Rent increases can now be made in the amount of the 12-month average of the CPI for that month.

Antalya Realtors and Business Followers Auto Gallery Chamber of Tradesmen President Ismail Caglar

Upper Limit for New Lease Contracts:

The upper limit for lease contracts to be renewed as of July 2 has been determined as 65.07.

Removal of 25 and Exorbitant Rental Fees:

The removal of the 25 limit will bring exorbitant rents back to the agenda. Many landlords did not comply with the 25 application and increased their rents by more than 25. This will put tenants in a difficult situation and cause disputes between landlords and tenants. For example, if the rent of a house that was increased to 10 thousand TL last year is currently 12 thousand TL, the tenant will have to pay 16,500 TL this year.

Increase Rate in Contracts:

In contracts made, after completing 1 year, the current increase rate is applied. For example, a contract made in May 2024 is valid until May 2025 and the current increase can be made in May 2025.

Homeowners Who Find CPI Low:

Landlords cannot increase the CPI if they find it low. The tenant can increase the CPI rate and send it away, and they cannot be asked to be evicted.

News Continues / Detailed Information

Tenants’ 5-Year Term:

If the tenants have not completed 5 years and this practice is not continuing, they will have fulfilled their legal responsibilities when they add the last 12 months of the CPI to their rent during the lease renewal period.

Tenants who have completed 5 years:

Tenants who have completed 5 years are now required to update their rents based on the current rent, not the CPI, and reach an agreement with their landlords. Otherwise, when an application is made to the court, they will pay the difference between the amount increased by the court and the rent they paid, all together, to their landlords.

Evacuation Procedures:

If landlords want to evict a tenant without giving any reason, they must first wait for the lease to expire. Then, the lease will be extended 10 times and the lease can be terminated by sending a notice to the tenant 3 months before the end of the 11th extension. (Lease period + 12 years)

Working with Authorized Real Estate Agents:

Both landlords and tenants should work with licensed real estate agents.

News Continues / Detailed Information

Real Estate Agent Does Not Increase Price:

Real estate agents act in accordance with the homeowner’s request and do not increase prices.

Real Estate Agent’s Property Determination:

He said that real estate agents with a certificate of authorization determine the average rental price or sales price of the real estate they include in their portfolios, like an expert, by taking into consideration criteria such as location, building condition and house condition.

Source: SonAlanya


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