Polish tourist who came to Alanya for holiday committed suicide

Polish tourist who came to Alanya for holiday committed suicide

A 31-year-old Polish tourist who came to a hotel in Alanya for holiday committed suicide by hanging himself in his room.
A Polish tourist who came to Alanya for holiday committed suicide.

Polish tourist who came to Alanya for holiday committed suicide

The incident occurred in a hotel in Mahmutlar District. Kamil Oltowski, a Polish national who came for a holiday with his wife, was found hanging himself from a towel rack in the bathroom of his room. Hotel staff reported the situation to the 112 Emergency Call Center. Upon notification, gendarmerie and health teams were dispatched to the area. Upon examination by the teams, it was determined that Oltowski had lost his life. The tourist’s lifeless body was taken to the Alanya Municipality Morgue after the prosecutor and gendarmerie examination.

A Polish tourist who came to Alanya for holiday committed suicide!

Source: BuyukAlanya


Another   News..

Romanian tourist found dead in hotel room in Alanya

A 58-year-old Romanian tourist was found dead in his hotel room in Alanya.

The incident took place in a hotel in the Konaklı District. When Romanian national Ailoaiei Costelmugurel (58) did not leave his room for a long time, the door of his room was opened by the hotel staff.

Romanian tourist found dead in hotel room in Alanya

Seeing Costelmugurel lying motionless, the staff called for help from the medical teams. The gendarmerie and medical teams were dispatched to the hotel. In the examination, it was determined that Costelmugurel had lost his life. Costelmugurel’s body was sent to the Antalya Forensic Medicine Institute for an autopsy. The gendarmerie has launched an investigation into the incident.

Romanian Tourist Found Dead in Alanya

Source: GercekAlanya


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