Fake currency ALARM in Alanya / Features of Fake Turkish Lira Banknotes

Fake currency ALARM in Alanya

Turgay Kırbaş , President of Alanya Foreign Exchange Dealers Association (ALDOBİR) , warned citizens against fake currencies that started to circulate in the market with the arrival of the tourism season.

Kırbaş emphasized that fake money is so well made that it is almost indistinguishable from real ones, and therefore shoppers should be careful. Recommending citizens and tradesmen who shop with foreign currency to go to the nearest authorized exchange offices to check for counterfeit money, Kırbaş said, “Fake money does not only pass through our machines.”

Fake currency ALARM in Alanya

ALDOBİR President Kırbaş demanded stricter control from the authorities against the increasing cases of fake currency in Alanya. Kırbaş said, “Authorized foreign exchange offices are inspected, but businesses selling fake foreign currency are not. I invite all relevant units to take action. “Otherwise we cannot cope with this job,” he said.

Precautions to be taken against fake foreign currency:

After shopping with foreign currency, have the money checked at the nearest authorized exchange office.

Not making foreign exchange transactions, especially in businesses that have recently opened under the name of money transfer and cryptocurrency payment points.

Staying away from unauthorized exchange offices.

Source: BuyukAlanya

Features of Fake Turkish Lira Banknotes

In order to understand whether a banknote is fake or not, it is necessary to know the features of paper money and compare them accordingly. The main features of the original banknotes printed by the Central Bank are as follows:

Banknote Paper

Original banknote paper is made of 100 percent cotton fiber and does not shine under Ultraviolet (UV) light. Paper colors are a very light shade of the dominant color of each clipping. In addition, the papers used are very resistant to contamination.

Although the counterfeit banknote paper available in the market is usually coated with a special lacquer, it has the feature of shining under UV light.


When the front or back of the original banknotes are held up to light, a watermark consisting of Atatürk’s portrait and the number indicating the value of the denomination is seen in the unprinted white area.

Some counterfeit coins do not have a watermark at all, while others are imitated by printing from the inside or outside of the paper.

Original Fake
Original Fake

Capillary Fibers (Safety Fibers)

It is placed in the original banknote paper by the Central Bank during the production phase, and cannot be seen with the naked eye; However, there are capillary fibers that glow blue and red under UV light.

In fake banknotes, it is seen that these fibers are tried to be imitated by printing or highlighter pen.

Original Fake
Original Fake

Safety strip

Original banknotes have a safety strip in the form of a straight line when held up to the light, with the letters “number” and “TL” on them, indicating the denomination value. These strips embedded in the paper shine under UV light in three different colors: blue, red and yellow, depending on the clipping value.

In counterfeit money, this security strip is tried to be imitated by printing.

Original Original Fake Fake
Original Original Fake Fake

Holographic Ribbon Foil

There is a holographic strip foil on the right front side of the original banknotes, which gives colorful and bright reflections when viewed from different angles.

It is seen that silver and iridescent gilding is used in the foils of counterfeit banknotes.

Original Fake Fake
Original Fake Fake

Color Changing Ribbon Printing

On the back of the banknotes, there is a stripe print consisting of the letters “number” and “TL” indicating the denomination value. These prints, which give a translucent yellow reflection, also have the feature of changing color.

It seems that the prints on the counterfeit banknotes are tried to be imitated in a similar way to the original.

Original Fake
Original Fake

Embossed Printing

On the front of real banknotes; A special printing technique has been used on some text, number groups and motifs, with a relief effect felt when touched with the finger.

In fake banknotes; While this relief printing was not applied, it was observed that some methods that gave a feeling of height were applied.

Original Fake
Original Fake

Hidden Image

On the front of the original banknotes, there is a hidden image of Atatürk’s portrait in a seven-pointed motif badge on the right side of his jacket. This image created with horizontal and horizontal lines; When viewed horizontally at eye level, the denomination number can be read.

This hidden image effect cannot be given in fake coins like the real version.

Original Fake
Original Fake

Micro Writing

Inside the crescent-star motif on the front of the original banknotes, there are micro inscriptions using the relief printing technique, showing the denomination value with the letters “number” and “TL”. These writings, which can be read with a magnifying glass, are another indicator of the real money printed by the Central Bank.

On counterfeit banknotes, these micro writing areas cannot be read because they are deformed when viewed with a magnifying glass. However, in some fake versions, the readability of micro-texts has increased due to the printing technique applied.

Original Fake
Original Fake

Integrated Display

The numbers on the front and back of the original banknotes, showing the denomination value, complement each other when held up to light.

This integrated image is usually distorted and irregular in counterfeit banknotes.

Original Fake
Original Fake

Fluorescent (UV) Effective Ink

The Atatürk portrait on the front of the original banknotes has the letters “number” and “TL” printed with fluorescent ink. Clipping values ​​printed using an ink with this feature have the ability to shine under UV light.

It is observed that in some counterfeit banknotes, methods have been tried to be applied to make the “number” and “TL” letters shine similar to the original.

Original Fake
Original Fake

Serial and Sequence Numbers

The reverse side of the original banknotes has two serial and sequence numbers printed in black and red ink. Under UV light, these numbers; The one printed with black ink gives a green glow, the one printed with red ink gives a red glow.

The serial and sequence number printed in black ink on real banknotes do not glow green under UV light on fake versions. However, in some counterfeit coins, those printed with red ink are imitated in such a way that they glow red under UV light.

Original Fake
Original Fake
Original Fake

Size Difference

Original banknotes, which have different sizes according to their denomination values, are printed with a difference of 6 mm on the long side and 4 mm in groups of two on the short side.

Although the counterfeit banknotes are imitated in the same dimensions as the original banknotes, small differences of a few mm in the width and length of some of them have been observed.


Source: CBRT

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