Drowning dangers in Antalya..

Drowning dangers in Antalya..

Young man who died from drowning died in hospital

A young man who was in danger of drowning in Topçam, Antalya, where he went with his family, lost his life in the hospital he was taken to. It was learned that the young man, who was pulled out of the water by a lifeguard and given first aid, did not know how to swim.

Young man who died from drowning died in hospital

In the incident that took place at around 10:00 in the morning in the Topçam recreation area of ​​Konyaaltı district of Antalya, a young man named Sefa T. (17), who was having a picnic with his family, went into the sea with his mother.

Sefa T., who was learned to not know how to swim, disappeared after a while. As a result of the searches of citizens and the lifeguard on duty in the area, Sefa T. was found motionless on the water surface 300 meters away from the area where they had a picnic.

Young man who died from drowning died in hospital

First aid from lifeguards and paramedics

Sefa T., who was lying motionless on the surface of the water 30 meters offshore, was brought to shore by a lifeguard. The first aid at the scene was provided by the lifeguard on duty and the off-duty health workers in the area at the time, and heart massage and artificial respiration were performed for a long time to keep the young man alive.

It was learned that the young man, who was taken to the hospital by ambulance by the 112 Emergency Health teams who arrived at the scene upon notice, could not be saved despite all interventions and lost his life.

Source: BuyukAlanya


First aid to a young man in danger of drowning was given by health workers on leave

A young man who went to Topçam with his family in Antalya was in danger of drowning. The young man who was brought to shore was given first aid by health workers who came to the sea on their days off. Health workers performed heart massage and CPR for about half an hour to keep the young man alive.

First aid to a young man in danger of drowning was given by health workers on leave

The incident occurred at around 10:00 in the Topçam Picnic Area in the Konyaaltı district of Antalya. A young man named Sefa T. (17) went into the sea with his mother to have a picnic to spend the weekend with his family. After a while, the mother and father started looking for their son when the young man disappeared. After the incident was reported, the Coast Guard team that arrived at the scene searched and found Sefa T. motionless 300 meters off the coast.

First aid from healthcare workers on leave

Sefa T., who was unconscious, was taken to shore by Coast Guard teams and lifeguards. The first aid to the young man who had swallowed water and was unconscious was provided by health workers who were on their day off at the Topçam Picnic Area. After health workers performed heart massage and CPR for about half an hour, Sefa T. was taken to the hospital by the 112 Emergency Health teams that arrived at the scene.

Source: BuyukAlanya

Syrian father and son drowned in Alanya

A Syrian father, who saw his son drowning after entering the sea in Alanya, drowned himself in the sea he entered to save his son.

Syrian father and son drowned in Alanya

The incident occurred yesterday evening in Alanya’s Kestel Neighborhood, Alantur Area. A Syrian child who entered the sea to cool off at the point where the Dim River flows into the sea was in danger of drowning.


Seeing his son struggling in the sea, his father entered the water to save him. The unfortunate man drowned with his son.

Syrian father and son drowned in Alanya

The father and son, who were brought to shore by nearby citizens, were determined to have lost their lives after medical teams were dispatched to the scene upon notification.

Despite the sign in the area saying “Entering the sea is prohibited” and the current, many citizens entered the sea, and the authorities in Alanya were asked to find a solution to this situation.

Source: BuyukAlanya


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